IECC 2021


2021 3rd International Electronics Communication Conference (IECC 2021) was sucessfully held during July 8-10, 2021, because of the COVID-19, the conference was changed to online meeting.

1. Procceding:

The IECC 2021 conference proceedings is archived in the ACM Digital Library and all the papers have been indexed by Ei Compendex, Scopus.

2. Conference Photos:

Group photos

Keynote Speeches

Keynote Speech I
Title: Design of Handover Authentication Protocols for 5G Wireless Networks
Prof. Maode Ma
Nanyang Technological University, Singapore

Keynote Speech II
Title: IoT and Blockchain for Smart Cities
Prof. Juan Manuel Corchado
University of Salamanca, Spain

Best Presentation

Title: Time-Interleaved ADC Gain Mismatch Calibration in High-Speed OFDM Systems
Vo Trung Dung Huynh, International University/ Vietnam National University, Vietnam





Contact Method

Ms. Jassica Yao

IECC 2025 conference secretary


Submission Method

Electronic Submission System (PDF format)


1. Full paper (Click)
2. Abstract (Click)

Venue Location

Caofeidian District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China

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