Authors are requested to submit their papers electronically using the Electronic Submission System in PDF format before the deadline.
Note: To submit a paper you need to have an Zmeeting account. Follow the link Signup to create Zmeeting account, if needed.
Submission Type
1. Full Paper (Presentation and Publication)
Prospective authors are kindly invited to submit full
text papers including results, tables, figures and
references. Full text papers will be accepted by
Electronic Submission System. All submitted articles
should report original, previously unpublished research
results, experimental or theoretical. Articles submitted
to the Conference should meet these criteria and must
not be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Manuscripts should follow the style of the Conference
and are subject to both review and editing.
2. Abstract (Presentation Only)
Accepted abstract will be invited to give the
presentation at the conference, the abstract will not be
published. Please submit your abstract to
Electronic Submission System.
Papers should be prepared in English and carefully checked for correct grammar. Figures should be of high quality. To ensure high scientific quality, all papers will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee Members. All papers must be submitted in electronic form using the web site of the conference.
Once the reviewing
process is complete, the contact author of each paper
will be notified of the result by e-mail. The authors
are required to follow the reviews in order to improve
their paper before their final submission.
Authors are requested to submit papers reporting
original research results and experience.
Papers should be prepared using the following template:
1. Full paper starting from 4 pages to 6 pages.
2. Abstract
Electronic Submission System (PDF format)
1. Full paper (Click)
2. Abstract (Click)
Caofeidian District, Tangshan City, Hebei Province, China